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Arrangement fee with dried flowers


Number of bills:

1 - 20: Php 1400

21 - 30: Php 1600

31 - 40: Php 1800

41 - 50: Php 2000

51 - 60: Php 2200

61 - 70: Php 2400

71 - 80: Php 2600

81 - 90: Php 2800
91 - 100: Php 3000


The arrangement is based on the customer’s preferred amount and denomination.


The money should be deposited at least three days before the scheduled delivery.

Bear Premium Money Bouquet

  • We can deliver to Baao, Bombon, Bula, Calabanga, Camaligan, Canaman, Gainza, Libmanan, Magarao, Milaor, Minalabac, Pasacao, Pili and San Fernando. Message us your exact address to be quoted.

  • BPI, BDO, & Gcash

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