Arrangement fee with dried flowers
Number of bills:
1 - 20: Php 1400
21 - 30: Php 1600
31 - 40: Php 1800
41 - 50: Php 2000
51 - 60: Php 2200
61 - 70: Php 2400
71 - 80: Php 2600
81 - 90: Php 2800
91 - 100: Php 3000
The arrangement is based on the customer’s preferred amount and denomination.
The money should be deposited at least three days before the scheduled delivery.
Bear Premium Money Bouquet
We can deliver to Baao, Bombon, Bula, Calabanga, Camaligan, Canaman, Gainza, Libmanan, Magarao, Milaor, Minalabac, Pasacao, Pili and San Fernando. Message us your exact address to be quoted.
BPI, BDO, & Gcash